Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Jetty JSP servlet engine allows remote attackers to insert arbitrary HTML or script via an HTTP request to a .jsp file whose name contains the malicious script and some encoded linefeed characters (%0a).
CVE ID | Name | Status | References |
CVE-2002-1533 | Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Jetty JSP servlet engine allows remote attackers to insert arbitrary HTML or script via an HTTP request to a .jsp file whose name contains the malicious script and some encoded linefeed characters (%0a). |
Proposed (20030317) | BID:5821 | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20020928 Jetty jsp/servlet engine xss / uname disclosure vuln | URL: | XF:jetty-http-xss(10219) | URL: |
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