XSS CSRF Privilege Buffer Remote Stack
CVE ID Name Status References

Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in the error handling routines of the minires library, as used in the NSUPDATE capability for ISC DHCPD 3.0 through 3.0.1RC10, allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a DHCP message containing a long hostname.

Modified (20071129)

BID:6627 | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20030122 [ [slackware-security] New DHCP packages available] | URL: | CERT:CA-2003-01 | URL: | CERT-VN:VU#284857 | URL: | CIAC:N-031 | URL: | CONECTIVA:CLA-2003:562 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-231 | URL: | MANDRAKE:MDKSA-2003:007 | URL: | OPENPKG:OpenPKG-SA-2003.002 | URL: | REDHAT:RHSA-2003:011 | URL: | SECTRACK:1005924 | URL: | SUSE:SuSE-SA:2003:0006 | URL: | SUSE:SuSE-SA:2003:006 | URL: | XF:dhcpd-minires-multiple-bo(11073) | URL:

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