XSS CSRF Privilege Buffer Remote Stack
CVE ID Name Status References

Stack-based buffer overflow in the PL/SQL EXTPROC functionality for Oracle9i Database Release 2 and 1, and Oracle 8i, allows authenticated database users, and arbitrary database users in some cases, to execute arbitrary code via a long library name.

Assigned (20030801)

BID:8267 | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20030725 Oracle Extproc Buffer Overflow (#NISR25072003) | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20030725 question about oracle advisory | URL: | CERT-VN:VU#936868 | URL: | CONFIRM: | NTBUGTRAQ:20030725 Oracle Extproc Buffer Overflow (#NISR25072003) | URL: | VULNWATCH:20030912 Update to the Oracle EXTPROC advisory | URL: | XF:oracle-extproc-bo(12721) | URL:

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