XSS CSRF Privilege Buffer Remote Stack
CVE ID Name Status References

Stack-based buffer overflow in a logging function for Windows Workstation Service (WKSSVC.DLL) allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via RPC calls that cause long entries to be written to a debug log file ("NetSetup.LOG"), as demonstrated using the NetAddAlternateComputerName API.

Assigned (20030918)

BID:9011 | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20031111 EEYE: Windows Workstation Service Remote Buffer Overflow | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20031112 Proof of concept for Windows Workstation Service overflow | URL: | CERT:CA-2003-28 | URL: | CERT-VN:VU#567620 | URL: | CISCO:20040129 Buffer Overrun in Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation Service (MS03-049) | URL: | MS:MS03-049 | URL: | OVAL:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:331 | URL: | OVAL:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:575 | URL:

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