XSS CSRF Privilege Buffer Remote Stack
CVE ID Name Status References

Multiple buffer overflows in SmartFTP 1.0.973, and other versions before 1.0.976, allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via (1) a long response to a PWD command, which triggers a stack-based overflow, and (2) a long line in a response to a file LIST command, which triggers a heap-based overflow.

Assigned (20070207)

BID:7858 | URL: | BID:7861 | URL: | BUGTRAQ:20030608 [SmartFTP] Two Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities | URL: | MISC: | SECTRACK:1006956 | URL: | SECUNIA:8998 | URL: | XF:smartftp-long-list-bo(12231) | URL: | XF:smartftp-pwd-directory-bo(12228) | URL:

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