XSS CSRF Privilege Buffer Remote Stack
CVE ID Name Status References

Stack-based buffer overflow in the ncp_lookup function for ncpfs in Linux kernel 2.4.x allows local users to gain privileges.

Assigned (20040105)

BID:9691 | URL: | CIAC:O-082 | URL: | CONECTIVA:CLA-2004:820 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-479 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-480 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-481 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-482 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-489 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-491 | URL: | DEBIAN:DSA-495 | URL: | FEDORA:FEDORA-2004-079 | URL: | MANDRAKE:MDKSA-2004:015 | URL: | OVAL:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:1035 | URL: | OVAL:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:11388 | URL: | OVAL:oval:org.mitre.oval:def:835 | URL: | REDHAT:RHSA-2004:065 | URL: | REDHAT:RHSA-2004:069 | URL: | REDHAT:RHSA-2004:188 | URL: | SUSE:SuSE-SA:2004:005 | URL: | TURBO:TLSA-2004-05 | URL: | XF:linux-ncplookup-gain-privileges(15250) | URL:

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